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Code of Ethics
and Conduct

Grupo AMSlab

Our commitment to the highest ethical standards

AMSlab: compromiso con los más altos estándares éticos

AMSlab is committed to complying with this Code of Ethics in all aspects of its work and business activities as it establishes the core values that underpin the group’s actions and decisions.

AMSlab recognises the importance of maintaining high ethical standards in all its business activities and is committed to acting with integrity and respect for all members of its business community.

The principles and commitments set out in the Code of Ethics are binding for everyone who forms part of the company, regardless of their position, role, function or geographical location.

Amslab compromiso estandares eticos


This Code of Ethics sets out AMSlab’s commitments to all its stakeholders, i.e. any individual, legal entity or group that may be affected by its business activities:

  • Employees
  • Clients
  • Suppliers
  • Public administrations
  • Society