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Analytical solutions
for veterinary medicine

Soluciones analíticas para veterinaria

Experts in veterinary toxicology
and clinical analysis

AMSlab’s services, through its AMSvet line, add value to the veterinary care received by both pets and livestock animals.

Our experience, technology and accumulated knowledge have positioned us as a reference laboratory in veterinary toxicology.

Cases of poisoning and intoxication of pets, production animals or wildlife are becoming more and more frequent, either accidentally or intentionally. That is why AMSvet has a specialized veterinary toxicology service through which we detect and identify toxic compounds in animal samples and baits suspected of being used in poisonings.

Depending on whether there are indications of the use of a toxicant or family of toxicants, either through the symptomatology of the live animal or through evidence collected in the necropsy of the dead animal, we can approach the toxicological analysis from two different perspectives:

  • Screening type: General screening analysis of a list of toxicants when there is no specific suspicion.
  • Target type: Particular analysis of a toxicant or family of toxicants when there is a clear suspicion.
Laboratorio de análisis veterinario

AMSlab services
for the veterinary sector

Veterinary toxicology

Detection, identification and quantification of toxins in cases of poisoning or intoxication of domestic and farm animals.

R&D consulting

Development of analytical methods and tailor-made technical solutions for the veterinary sector, as well as consulting services for biotech companies in areas such as administration, finance, sales and human resources.

Clinical analysis

Biochemical testing, haematology, endocrinology, pathological anatomy and microbiology for the diagnosis of animal conditions and illnesses.

PCR profiles

Detection of viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungi through molecular biology techniques.

AMSvet is the division of AMSlab specialised in veterinary toxicology

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AMSlab works for