Grants and subsidies

Aid for investment projects, co-financed by the European Union
The main objective of this aid is the reinforcement of sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of employment in these, also through productive investments.
The intended result is the creation of new business projects, as well as the expansion, modernization and diversification of pre-existing business initiatives, favoring sustainability, competitiveness and the creation and maintenance of employment.
Beneficiary company: AMSbiopharma

Aid for investment projects, co-financed by the European Union
The main objective of this aid is the reinforcement of sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of employment in these, also through productive investments.
The intended result is the creation of new business projects, as well as the expansion, modernization and diversification of pre-existing business initiatives, favoring sustainability, competitiveness and the creation and maintenance of employment.
Beneficiary company: Xenotechs Laboratorios

AMSbiopharma Innovation Plan
“Promote technological development, innovation and quality research.”
This operation is financed by the Xunta de Galicia, through the aid granted by the Galician Innovation Agency, within the aid program for the company InnovaPeme in its 2024 call.
File no. IN848D-2024-00000045-00

Foexga Program: North Carolina Mission
This entity was a beneficiary of aid from the Foexga Program.
The main objective of this aid is to encourage the implementation of foreign promotion actions that generate competitive advantages. The intended result is the promotion of SMEs and their products and services, increasing the number of export-based companies.
Beneficiary company: AMSbiopharma

Re-acciona Programme 2024
This entity is a beneficiary of the call for aid for modular specialised consultancy services for Galician companies provided by collaborating entities, which can be co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Galicia ERDF 2021-2027 programme.
The main objective of this aid is the competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in these, also through productive investments.
The result to be achieved is the implementation of a programme of services to SMEs which, through collaborating companies, allows SMEs to carry out related improvement projects in different areas related to their strategic development, professionalisation and innovation.
Beneficiary company: ASM Science

Investigo Programme 2024
Grant to finance the recruitment of young jobseekers to carry out research and innovation initiatives.
Beneficiary company: AMSbiopharma

Investigo Programme 2024
Grant to finance the recruitment of young jobseekers to carry out research and innovation initiatives.
Beneficiary company: New Exosomes Technology

Investigo Programme
The Investigo Programme promotes the hiring of young job seekers to carry out research and innovation initiatives within the framework of the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Beneficiary company: Xenotechs Laboratorio.

Igape grants: Foexga Programme 2019-2020
This company participates in an internationalization project through the Igape Foexga Plan 2019-2020 programme. The main objective of these grants is to incentivize and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician SMEs. The intended outcome is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Union
ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020
Achieve a more competitive business fabric
A way to make Europe

Igape grants: Galicia Exporta Empresas
Internationalization of the company through the following actions: participation in international fairs and publication of editorial content on online platforms in the Northern zone of Europe.
This company received a grant from the Igape Galicia Exporta Empresas programme. The main objective of these grants is to incentivize and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician SMEs. The intended outcome is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Union
ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020
Achieve a more competitive business fabric
A way to make Europe

Igape grants for Industry 4.0 Digitalization
Year 2018: Company digitalization through the following investments: Open lab, SharePoint, and customer portal. IG240.2018.2.54
Year 2019: Company digitalization through the following investments: Network security, promotion of mobility and teleworking through the acquisition and configuration of physical and logical elements of our systems, ensuring the integrity of critical data, reliability, resilience, and immediate corporate operability. IG240.2019.1.64
Year 2020: Company digitalization through the following investments: Integration of all business IT applications with the company’s website to provide customers with all the necessary information about the services to be provided. IG240.2020.1.16
This company received a grant from the Igape Industry 4.0 Digitalization programme, which aims to promote the digital transformation of companies and support the growth and consolidation of SMEs by improving their financing, technology, and access to advanced support services.

Project: Biomarker-based solutions for the study of rheumatic diseases
AMSlab, ALTIA, and SOLIDQ participate as a temporary joint venture in the development and demonstration of liquid biopsy devices/tests and biomarkers for early diagnosis, prediction of responses, or monitoring in patients with pathologies related to neurology, rheumatology, haematological or solid tumours, and pancreatic tumours.
Specifically, through their hiring under the pre-commercial public procurement modality of Lot 2: Biomarker-based solutions for the study of rheumatic diseases AB-SER1-19-008 / SERGAS with the aim of validating a panel of protein biomarkers with potential predictive value for rheumatic diseases within the health innovation plan Código 100 executed under a collaboration agreement between the Galician Health Public Service (SERGAS) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICIU), funded 80% by ERDF funds within the Spanish Regional Operational Programme (POPE) for the 2014-2020 period.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
A way to make Europe

Project: Expansion of testing and technical analysis activity
Investment aid for productive equipment, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the ERDF Galicia 2014-2020 operational programme.
Achieve a more competitive business fabric
A way to make Europe

Re-Acciona Programme: services for analysing competitive potential, professionalization, and strategic development
This company participates in the Re-Acciona Programme, which aims to promote the growth and consolidation of SMEs by improving their financing, technology, and access to advanced support services.
Operation co-financed by the European Union
ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020
Achieve a more competitive business fabric
A way to make Europe

Project: Investment in analysis equipment to increase production capacity
Investment: €272,043
Received grant: €54,408
Project co-financed by Igape, Xunta de Galicia, and the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-2020 operational programme.

Foexga Plan 2016-2017
As support for the internationalization process, AMSlab has received a grant from the Xunta de Galicia through Igape to participate in the Galician Export Promotion Plan (Foexga) 2016-2017, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Galicia 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme, OT3 ‘Achieve a more competitive business fabric. A way to make Europe.’
The main objective of the Foexga Plan is to incentivize and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician SMEs. The intended outcome is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020.

Investment in analysis equipment to increase production capacity
Project co-financed by Igape, Xunta de Galicia, and the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-2020 operational programme.