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Interview with our Quality Coordinator for World Quality Day

Today is World Quality Day and for the AMSlab Group it is an important date.

Since its inception, AMSlab has sought to establish itself as a benchmark in the area of analytical quality control laboratories. For this reason, our services meet the highest quality standards through the different companies that make up the group.

To join in the celebration of this day, we have interviewed Carmen Alfonso, PhD in Food Science and Technology and Industrial Chemical Engineer, who is the Quality Coordinator of the AMSlab Group.

Coordinadora de Calidad del Grupo AMSlab
Carmen Alfonso, QA Coordinator of AMSlab Group

AMSlab: What are the key processes and tools used to guarantee quality in production or service provision?
Carmen A: The key to quality assurance is the design of a control system to verify that the necessary specifications are met in each of the activities, and the continuous monitoring of the processes to ensure that the system works correctly and is effective. These activities should be continuously developed so that the results obtained, both positive and negative, are used for continuous improvement of the system.

AMSlab: Can you provide concrete examples of how quality management has led to significant improvements in the company?
Carmen A: The establishment of a quality system made possible, for example, the traceability of existing samples in the organization throughout the different processes in which they are used, the use of equipment in correct conditions avoiding measurement errors or the use of validated analytical methods that provide reliable results.

AMSlab: What recommendations do you have for other companies wishing to strengthen their focus on quality and continuous improvement?
Carmen A: I think the most important thing is to get all areas of the organization involved and aware of the benefits that quality management can bring, as all of them are essential for the proper functioning of the system.

AMSlab: What is the role of quality management in our company and how does it contribute to our overall objectives?
Carmen A: The role of quality management is to increase customer confidence in our activities, as it allows us to provide objective measures that guarantee the conformity of our products and services. From this point of view, our certifications and accreditations contribute to improving our image and advancing our overall objectives.

AMSlab: What are the main challenges facing the quality department today?
Carmen A: I would say that the main challenge for the quality department today is to integrate all AMSlab organizations into a single management system, which is continuously developing and diversifying. Also in the imminent future is to face the needs that will arise after the move to AMSlab’s new facilities.

Customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, regulatory compliance and environmental sustainability are the pillars of our Integrated Management System, based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001, UNE-EN ISO 17025, UNE-EN ISO 17034 and UNE-EN ISO 13485 standards.

Quality is not just an objective to be achieved, but a constant commitment to improvement and excellence in all processes.
